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Romeo and Juliet

by William Shakespeare

We will be reading Romeo and Juliet for the fourth quarter of the school year. The play is in the textbooks you received at the beginning of the year. Because this play has difficult language, we will be reading this play aloud as a class. However, since many of you will spend days travelling, I have attached the No Fear Shakespeare version of the play for better deciphering. 

The image on the left links to an online version of Romeo and Juliet in its original form. The image comes from the 1968 film of the same name.

The image on the right links to Sparknotes' "No Fear Shakespeare" version of Romeo and Juliet, which translates the Elizabethan language into modern day English for easier reading. The image comes from the 1996 film Romeo + Juliet.

The image on the left links to more information on the bard himself, William Shakespeare. This will be learned in class, as well. 

The image on the right links information on The Globe Theater, the theater Shakespeare's plays were originally performed on.

Shakespeare: Original Pronunciation

Shakespeare's Accent

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